Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shiny and New

Hello again, how is everyone?
I'd say I'm doing okay. I am a bit stressed at this time but that should be resolving in about a week's time.

You see, I started my new MSU job about a week and a half ago. Who knew it was so much paperwork and eye drooping orientation to go through? It's tiring really and all I want is to meet my 9 students and get on with the semester. But, alas, I must sit through the meetings, learn the politics of the school and complete all the required paperwork. I have about 5 lists of "to dos" prior to Sept 1st and I keep misplacing them. This could be lending to my stress? The lists, I'm afraid, are tending to lengthen as I worry about what to cover in post clinical, if I should write some case studies for the students, and if the staff on my unit will be as welcoming as last semester (this I'm not too worried about as I am phoning the manager today to set up a little 1 on 1 to chat about expectations, etc from me and the students). Like I said, it'll be okay and the semester will fly by. I secretly hope MSU offers to extend my contract and welcome me back in the spring for another go round since all this paperwork and orientation is exhaustive who would want to do it again?! I even have an "office" and I put "" around that because it's really a conference-like room that a few of us new kids share along with the mailboxes and copier that the rest of the profs share.... so really, even though Joc got all excited and told me to take a picture of it, it's not a true office but it's a step in the right direction. I hope I'm gonna love this just as much as I dream I will.

Other new and shiny things include the basement glassblock windows that are being installed as I type this entry. Joc and I have gone round and round about how to best waterproof our basement. A sump pump is in our future (I think) but she'd rather DIY it and leave it to the next bloke who buys the house. I'd rather add the pump and add the value to the house and be able to tell the next guy, yes our basement leaked but we installed new windows, sealed the cracks and put in a sump pump. Guaranteed dry baby! One thing we agreed on was new windows, so for relatively cheap, we are getting those fancy glass blocks. I'm pretty excited. The dude just finished knocking out the old windows and will start placing the new one's shortly. PUMPED!

And for those keeping track, we are still not pregnant. Sigh, but the prayers and thoughts are appreciated and whether our children come from us or from another, we will build our family.

Now I will start at the top of my shiny and new "to do" list and start crossing things off damn it, I need to see some progress already!

Until we meet again...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Can I be political for a minute?

I'm not usually politically charged on my blog or really in my life (I try to have some clue as to what is happening but who am I kidding? I have minimal passion therefore minimal interest...).

Not sure how many of you watch the news or keep up an interest in what is happening in California but a judge recently revoked the ban on gay marriage that voters had passed about a year ago. I'm happy about this for many reasons and very disheartened by the right-wing response for many reasons.

I can't wrap my head around why on earth someone would make such a big deal, and I emphasize big, about two people committing to each other for the rest of their lives. For fuck's sake! Why do you care what I do? Why is who I love such a huge deal to you that you want it written in the constitution (of your state but also the country) that I cannot marry the person I have to sleep with, not you?! I just don't see how my marriage affects you.

Canada, where I am legally married, has recognized gay marriage for years, let's go up there and see how many marriages have ended because gay people can express their love for their spouse? How has filing taxes as one household tainted your marriage? How has legally being the designated decision maker when the other spouse can't speak for themselves ruined the decisions a straight person can make? Has anyone divorced their husband or wife because gay people are legally "allowed" to marry? (unless said person is gay and decided to come out and live their life...but that's a whole other concept)

I just shake my head at people's arguments. I recently browsed some blogs and came across this post. (I particularly love the sanctity of marriage comments, the marrying dogs one and the marriage should be decided by the voters.) I was so very moved by this man's simple, basic and straightforward refutes I have re-read it multiple times. There is an underlying anger burning but he comes across in some pretty common sense retorts. He also wrote this one that made me want to stand up and high five someone and breakdown into tears at the same time.

This decision in California makes me happy because I see it as one small step forward for gay people. You know, Massachusetts has had legalized gay marriage for years, years I said. Has the Mormon church forgotten about them? What about Iowa?

I consider myself a spiritual person, I may not go to church frequently or even consistently, but I have a good relationship with God. I believe that He loves me for who I am, for my commitment to my wife for my love and support I show her every single day. I try to love others, help others and follow what path God has laid out for me. My God does not hate me for committing my life to my spouse, or desiring to raise children. He won't send me to hell when I die for loving Jocelyn all my life and being a faithful wife. I don't believe it. If you do, I suppose you can pray for me or whatever you believe will "save" me but I don't think I need it.

I'll end this rant here and remind everyone who reads my blog who is legally married and has all the rights and freedoms that document provides you that Jocelyn and I don't have, to be grateful and thankful that you don't have to think about it at all. Be thankful people don't do a double take when you are holding hands with your spouse in public, and that the simple things you take for granted daily are freedoms that gay people are fighting for.

Love each other man! Why does hate have to be the underlying emotion to so many people's arguments?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


What does it mean to be jealous? Is all jealousy bad or can there be a "healthy" level of jealousy?
What about envy?
Aren't these all part of the seven deadly sins? Well, maybe not jealousy but envy is and isn't jealousy a precursor of envy?