Monday, February 14, 2011


Who knew this kid would suck the life outta me?!  Well, I guess pretty much all of you who read this blog did.  Just off a weekend of work and dang, was I tired!  Both days were so busy, my legs were tired, my body was tired, my mind was tired.  I really am suffering from pregnancy brain... even a doctor asked me about it... I officially feel dense.  ugh.

Well, my interviews went well.  I don't want to jinx myself by saying it's in the bag... because honestly, I'm not certain.  I know the other three candidates well enough, and all but one would do a great job.  (is that mean, I just know one of them and I'm hoping her interviews didn't go as stellarly as mine...)  I'm not even sure when we will hear.  There is probably one more interview though.  It's like, make the decision already!! Gollly!!!

I have today off, my only plans are to go grocery shopping and for a walk.  It's great!  Cooper shares my sentiments as she is snoring on the pillow next to me.  Is that spring in the air?  I sure hope so!

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