Monday, November 8, 2010

It's time...

Hello everyone!
It's been well over a month since my last post... I apologize. There are a few reasons for this- first and foremost is I felt that by writing a post about frivolous things would take away from the fact that we are pregnant and I couldn't tell you all yet!!!! That's right, we did it. We're gonna be parents!!! (I can't tell you how freaky that sounds, and life changing- astonishingly life altering)
To address your questions:
We are 11 weeks along, just a week or so (depending on who is counting) from the 2nd trimester. I've been feeling okay, mostly nauseous 24/7 since week 7, although after my first appointment, B6 supplements were recommended and the nausea is now a bit better and not constant. According to my sister Juli, her nausea lasted until week 12 then poof, gone. I'm so holding out for that moment. I think I've gained about a pound so far, my goal is 15-20 lbs as I'm already a FFG (full figured gal). I've been trying to stay active but my busy schedule and commute to Lansing Monday and Tuesdays have put a cramp in my plans. But I haven't given up yet and I will find my niche. Our due date is May 26 and we are not finding out the sex. We do have names but there are so freaking many and the pressure to pick one out for a little person, to have their whole life, is a lot!
So, that's all that's new in our lives. (c: Pretty big deal, right? (c:
We are very excited.
p.s. please don't post anything on facebook just yet, as the news is still being spread to my immediate family members. thanks!


TB said...

oh MY gosh!!!! HAPPY for you and joc!!!! :) that bambino is one lucky little kiddo!!!

mommy nurse said...

Congratulations! You will rock as a mom, I have no doubt!

Jennifer said...

Wow!! You guys will make great mothers! Be sure to put pictures up!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I have been waiting for this post! So happy its finally happened. Keep us posted on the updates!!!!

Jen said...

Yippee!!!! Your due date is officially 3 days after mine! Maybe they'll decide to show up at the same time! :) Soooo very happy for you both! :)