Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Charlevoix and other things

We have ventured north for a week away from Grand Rapids into the waters of Lake Charlevoix. Okay, we're not really in the water but we're next to them at Grandma Judy and Grandad's lakehouse.  Patrick seems to be adapting well to the new place, I was of course worried (I worry a lot these days) he'd have trouble sleeping or be disoriented, but he is doing well.  We've only been here going on our second day but the sun has been out and it's been perfect.  Yesterday we were down by the water most of the afternoon, Joc and I even went for a run/walk yesterday morning.
Speaking of exercise, i've been anxious to get back into working out now that i have my figure back (ha!). So, like a good nurse/patient, when my doctor said to start run/walking after 6 weeks, I decided now (4 1/2 weeks post delivery) would be the best time.  (c:  At least I didn't go all out and run a 5K ok?  Joc thought she'd like to try running again, I'm a touch skeptical as she finds running "boring", but I'm supportive in her efforts.  I'm encouraging biking though, as she enjoys that activity more, but maybe she'll learn to love running like me.  Who knows?  My back has been really sore too, from holding the ever growing PJ.  So I threw in some ab and back exercises yesterday.  I feel a touch sore in the legs today so I know it was ok and everything else seems good too.  I find my posture is horrible these days and when I'm feeding PJ I'm hunched over.  I need my muscle mass back, pronto!
My baby is growing like a weed!  I was uploading photos to shutterfly and facebook and looking back on his birth photos... what a pudge he's becoming!!  He's filling out everywhere.  I love it!
On another note, the crying is better.  Taking the advice of many people, I'm feeding him almost every time he's crying and it's cut back on his screaming spells.  I'm living by the "you can't spoil a newborn" mantra for another month or so.  I'm nurisng him to sleep and making sure he sleeps much of the day so he's not overtired.  So, it's improving.  Thank you for the help!
Finally, I'm trying to decide about a type of electronic babybook for the little dude.  I saw a commercial awhile back where a dad set up an email account for his child and sent him emails along the way of life so when he gets older he has many of his memories.  Joc created the blog but I want one where I can write to patrick about his growth and development.  So, I'm either creating an email account or a blog that I'll write to him and maybe in a few years, create a book... I probably won't link it to this blog as it'll just be for PJ but it's something I'm tossing around.  We did buy a babybook for him but in the digital era, for a digital native baby... I say, why not?

Happy July friends!!


Unknown said...

I am glad the crying is less for you guys. Enjoy, the weekend!!!

SMS said...

Life is good.

Kelly S said...

I love the email account idea, that commercial made me cry!