Sunday, October 11, 2009

Learn to let it bend before it breaks...

Man, it is cold these days! Joc has opened the fireplace and we've had nice, warm, toasty, popping fires nearly every evening this week. It reminds me again how grateful and happy I am to be working days now. We've even turned the heat on because the house is so chilled!
So, I've been considering going part time at work... school and student teaching has been overwhelming and busy for me and it's an option to drop down to two shifts a week. It is so tempting and I plan to talk to HR this week to see what my benefits, etc would be or not be. My boss told me the only difficulty would be getting me back to full time to which I replied, I'm not sure I'll ever need to go full time again. My graduation date is May 7, 2010 and I hope to teach once I graduate, I mean that's what I put all the work in for... right? So really, I'd be applying and sending resume's out this spring in hopes of a job for the next school year............ as freaky as it sounds to me, I could be in a classroom in a year! gulp. I could be "professor gable"... jeez, I'm going to have to work on a new title...
Meanwhile, in the present.... I am teaching my first lecture in two weeks... I desperately want to come up with something besides lecture and powerpoints to entertain the students... I'm thinking podcast or video or something.... any ideas??? I'm teaching assessment class, so it's pretty basic and non complicated....
Brandi Carlile's new CD came out last week, so I've been listenign to her on repeat since I bought it... it's another stellar disc... love her music! Check her out if you haven't before, or on iTunes, she has three full CDs out, I think my favorite will always be her first, self-titled CD just because I remember finding her and listening for hours on repeat and falling in love... it's so hard to let go of your first love, right? (c:
Off to bed, work tomorrow followed by homework!

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