I have a dilemma... is that even spelled right? I keep messing with it but according to the spell check gods it's right... don't judge me. (c:
So, I was offered the PDS (professional development specialist or nurse educator) job at work. Here's my dilemas, yes, dilemas as I may be getting an ulcer. I do get about a $4-5 wage increase BUT it's a salary position, so I think y'all know what the means, I'll be paid for 20 hours a week but probably put in more along the lines of 30 hours. Coming from an hourly position, with compensation for every minute I work, this ends up being a decrease in income by about $900. For us (joc and I and the bambino), this might not be the worst case scenario, but I've been itching to get more hours, in fact have been picking up at least a 12 a week, if not a pay period over the past 3 months. I will not be able to work consistent hours on my unit if I take the job. Due to the hourly and salary positions, it violates fair labor laws for me to do this and therefore the HR department could get in trouble and therefore they won't allow it. My new boss and her boss won't let me be hourly in the PDS role either as it would be unfair to the other PDSs who are all salary... so they'd be mad at me in return, which makes for a great work environment.
Now, I've been parttime for the past year now, maybe more than a year now, and paying part time benefits. Yes, they are more expensive and I'll still be looking at the same in the PDS role... plus a new dependent with the bambino since thank you to the prejudice and ignorance of people in power, I can't let Jocelyn put us on her benefits but I digress into another issue. So, basically, I'd be paying more in benefits and making less a year.... seems like an obvious choice doesn't it?
Well, there in lies my problem. PDS roles do not come around often, seriously, people who are in an educator role seem to stay there forever... the people I'd be joining have been in their positions for longer than I've worked at the hospital and I haven't seen a position posted for this ever at my hospital. It's a nice job, I feel very passionate about taking it and having a fun time working with the new grads and orientees and trying to get education crap out to my staff nurses. And to be humble for a moment, I think I'd be really good at it.
I spoke to the CNO (chief nursing officer) today on the phone, and she offered me a possible solution: there's an admission coordinator job that I could work one 12 hour shift a week at, in a salary position, so I get more hours. I think it consists of answering the phone, coordinating patient admissions... sort of a boring desk job that I wouldn't love but it'd get me 12 hours more a week to supplement my income. I countered asking for a salary position at 24 hours a week (instead of the 20 hr/week), which would then increase my yearly income by about $6,000. She is crunching her budget numbers and will let me know by the end of the week.
I'm torn... does it come down to money or enjoying your work? What do I choose?
OMG! that's a hard one and no one can make the choice but you. you have to do what you feel is right in your heart. one thing to remember is that you are young and still have lots of years left to work (unfortunately!), so if you do or don't take it, you would still have options later in your career! good luck woman. you will do what works for you and your family! love ya!
That sucks, woman! If it were me, at this point in my life, I would say go for the job that you love because it will make you happy. Another part time position will come along that will fit into the schedule. PLUS for the first few months of Baby's life, it will be nice for you to be only part time, not trying to rush to multiple jobs. And especially if you are breastfeeding, you will not REALLY have that much extra money going out for baby (just diapers and wipes, mostly). You'll get clothes galore for the first 6 months at your shower and you won't need baby food for the first 4-6 months, so just try to enjoy the new job that you love, and enjoy spending time with the baby. Don't worry so much about the money... I know that's easier said than done, but try... :) Love you girl and good luck making your decisions!
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