I've officially started my "lasts" of grad school...
-last project (check)
-last paper (check)
-last discussion posting (check)
-last course evaluations (check)
-last quiz, this week
-last journal, due Monday
It's a little overwhelming and a little sad really. I have been looking forward to May 7th since January and now that it's only a little less than 3 weeks away I feel nauseous... I've applied to two schools, "spoke" via email with one director who is not quite ready to start looking at fall semester adjunct facutly yet but "will keep my CV close". (Good? Bad? who knows?) and I am meeting with the other director in a week, even though I was told "we have no posted positions..." what does that mean? Sigh. Can I just say "I really want a job, can you help me with that?" Do I have to go through all the emotions of sending my information, waiting, calling to inquire, setting up an interview, interviewing and then waiting to hear... I'd take summer classes to get out of that! (c: Well, maybe not but it's a thought!
So, my last weeks of grad school trickle by and life returns to "normal", actually I don't know what normal is anymore. So, let's say it starts fresh... hopefully it's a good fresh...
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