Friday, August 26, 2011

Grandpa Roger

My friend Amy mentioned that PJ looks a little like my dad and ever since then I do see glimpses of him in Patrick.  Tonight I saw it too and I was left a bit breathless.  I wonder what kind of grandpa he would have been, what would the grandkids think of him?  We do talk about grandpa Roger with Lucas, I'm not sure he quite understands who it is but someday he will.  And I do plan on telling PJ about grandpa Roger.
Thinking of you and Brian, Dad.  Miss you evey day.


Jen said...

so glad that you will be sharing memories of your dad with PJ. My heart hurts for you that your dad can't be physically there to see PJ, but I am certain he has already "met" him... Who knows - maybe your dad is one of the angels that PJ sees when he is staring off at something that you can't see... :) Love you!

TB said...

i agree with jen :) love you jenn!