Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hump Day

Well, it is for me...the middle of my work "week" but can I really call it that? I mean, I work three nights a really. Sounds easy I know, but I work semi-hard for the money they pay me. What can I say, my patients like to sleep through the night, so I let them. I'm a nice nurse.
I'm just chillin, listening to "Mama Mia" soundtrack, what a great, fun and enjoyable movie. I wish I could see it on the stage, the movie was so flamboyant in a Broadway sort of way. And who knew Meryl Strep could sing? I of course, ran out and bought the soundtrack and it's such a diverse and exciting CD. I'm dancing around my apartment singing half the time, it's great. On a side note, the play is coming the GR in the next couple weeks for those of you who are into musicals on stage, I'd say go then see the movie.
Well, not much to say today, I haven't been overly exciting lately, it's the end of the semester so everything I coming due and I should be working on that dog-gone project that I keep writing about. At least I started jotting down notes last night at work, I'll take some time to type it up. It's worth 30 points, so not huge but it is the "scholarly paper" that is the final grade for the class, so I'd better not slack I guess. (c:
I hope everyone is well, thanks for keeping up with the comments and reading my rambling thoughts. I'm never sure if people want me to post less or more...I guess if you get sick of my babbling you can stop reading, ey? But don't, I like to know you care. (c;
Ok, well, I'm gonna finish getting ready for work, I also have to finish my Healthstream learning modules for work, they were supposed to be done one month post-hire, which has come and gone already!!! Love those learnign modules! (Can I get a hell yeah! (hell yeah!) Thanks)
Peace out


Julie said...

Oh the Eddie Vedder person, never heard of him...hummm. Is he a republican? :)

Life 102 said...

Eddie Vedder is not a republican! Very Funny! He's the lead singer of Pearl Jam, a very outspoken and political guy. Great voice, and I mean, great with uniqueness that you don't find everyday.'re crazy (c:

MoMologette said...

Heehee...I'm laughing at Julie's comment and your reply. The term is "repugnican" as my dad would say. Just finally wanting to comment myself that I DO love keeping up w/ the blog and all the updates and living vicariously through your lil' adventure Jen!! Its funny because I didn't actually get to chat w/ you o' so much being a night person so this is fun. Do you "twitter" you should twitter too...its the latest thing...check it out. ;) Loving all the pics here too! Ok...must go to bed now.

....Nicole A.